This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Business Administration

(Bachelor of Business Administration)

UW-Green Bay’s major and minor in Business Administration offer the skills and broad business background needed for a lifetime of opportunity. More than 90 percent of graduates typically find employment in business, industry, government, and other fields, or enter graduate programs within six months of graduation. UW-Green Bay students are accepted into reputable graduate schools. Many alumni are successful business leaders. Alumni surveys indicate that alumni perceive the Business Administration program very favorably, their program of study prepared them extremely well for their careers, the quality of the Business Administration faculty is “excellent,” and they would recommend the program to others.

The program provides considerable exposure to the liberal arts and develops the critical thinking, problem-solving, interpersonal, communication, quantitative and computer skills needed by graduates to successfully serve as leaders within modern organizations. The program also addresses contemporary organizational issues such as global competition, social responsibility and ethics, sustainability, and the relationship between organizations and various environmental forces.

The Business Administration major is an interdisciplinary and problem-focused program comprised of three integrated elements: supporting, core and emphasis courses. The supporting and core courses provide breadth and introduce each student to the foundations of business knowledge, including communications, economics, statistics, computers, accounting, law, finance, management and marketing. Each Business Administration major extensively studies an area of emphasis:

  • Business Analytics
  • Entrepreneurship
  • General Business
  • Supply Chain Management

Each emphasis consists of courses designed to thoroughly prepare the student in a business specialization.

A distinctive feature of the program is that many upper-level courses include a practical project component, offering the opportunity to apply the problem-solving theories and concepts learned in the classroom to real situations. Alumni say this increases their value to employers and sets them apart from traditional business program graduates.

Extensive opportunities are available for students to meet business professionals and gain practical experience. Active student organizations support these efforts and help students to meet others with like interests. Faculty members encourage participation in internships.

Program Entrance and Exit Requirements

Students can declare a Business Administration major or minor at any time with any number of credits through a simple online process. To declare, students must complete an online Declaration of Major/Minor/Certificate e-form, which includes reading and accepting an Honor Code (pre-declaration form). Your advisor will be assigned to you after the e-form is received. If you are declaring a Business Administration major, you will need to select at least one area of emphasis: Business Analytics, Entrepreneurship, General Business, or Supply Chain Management.

Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 to proceed in the course progression for a Business Administration major or minor. All students must meet Business Administration's exit requirement to graduate with a Business Administration major. Students intending to graduate with this major must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative grade point average.

Business Administration is a popular choice as a minor. In addition, a second option is a minor in International Business. This minor encourages students to gain language and culture proficiency sufficient to complement their study of Business Administration in a world economy.

Major Area of Emphasis

Students must complete requirements in one of the following areas of emphasis:

Overview of Program Emphases

Business Analytics:

Learn to translate data for business decisions. The Business Analytics emphasis prepares students to interpret and analyze complex data into comprehensive insights for making actionable decisions. Students will be able to answer questions regarding what happened, what will happen, and what needs to be done.


Entrepreneurship skills are highly sought and marketable. Entrepreneurially minded graduates keep organizations viable through innovation. Entrepreneurship courses develop students' skills in problem solving, resourcefulness, independence, and critical thinking. The Entrepreneurship emphasis provides students with in-depth knowledge in the Entrepreneurship domain through a rigorous curriculum with courses covering important topics including how to capture new markets and create new businesses that operate virtually, about online peer networks, e-business models and pitch experience and venture acceleration.

General Business:

The General Business emphasis is designed for working professionals seeking to advance their professional careers. The emphasis provides students with the opportunity to tailor the major by selecting specific coursework benefitting their career or aligning with their interests. Students can select to pursue one of the three certificate tracks (Digital Marketing & Sales, Entrepreneurship, or Supply Chain Management) or pursue the broad selection of courses to complete the general track. Entry into the program requires the transfer of a minimum of 40 credits from an accredited university, and at least 3 years of full-time equivalent relevant, professional experience to be evaluated through submitted evidentiary material.  Admitted students can earn an additional six credits toward their general major requirements (Capstone experience excluded) through credit for prior learning.  Evaluation of credit for prior learning follows accepted university practices.

Supply Chain Management:

Supply chain management is one of the most important career choices in the world. Everything we purchase gets to store shelves via a supply chain. Students will learn how supply chain management integrates supply and demand management within and across companies. The program closely studies the supply of materials to a manufacturer, along with the production and the distribution of finished goods through a network of distributors and retailers to a final customer. Careers in supply chain management are on the rise and continually increasing year after year with an excellent job outlook.


Supporting Courses15-16
Principles of Financial Accounting
Macro Economic Analysis
Micro Economic Analysis
Business and Its Environment
Personal Financial Planning
Choose one of the following courses:
Business Statistics
Introductory Statistics
Social Science Statistics
Upper-Level Courses12
Legal Environment of Business
Corporation Finance
Organizational Behavior
Principles of Marketing
Total Credits27-28


Gaurav Bansal; Professor; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee*

Amulya Gurtu; Professor; Ph.D., Ryerson University, chair

Piyal Sarkar; Assistant Professor; Ph.D., Ryerson University

Nischal Thapa; Assistant Professor; Ph.D., University of Missouri - Kansas City

Matthew Geimer; Associate Teaching Professor; J.D., University of Wisconsin - Madison

Praneet Tiwari; Assistant Teaching Professor; M.S., University of North Texas

Paul Werner; Assistant Teaching Professor; M.B.A., University of Minnesota