This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Audit Students

Students taking a mix of regular and audit courses are not eligible for a fee reduction. See the Registrar's Office for policies and procedures.

Audit Only students must have written approval from the course instructor prior to enrolling.  Please use the Audit Form in the Registrar’s office to secure approval from the course instructor and apply for a reduced fee.  Additionally, audit only students must complete a “special student” application with the Admissions office. Residency determination will be made at the time of application/admission to the University.

The decision to enroll on an audit basis for tuition purposes must be made at the time of registration.

Any course fees or field trip expenses are the responsibility of each student.

Wisconsin Residents under age 60 will be charged 30% of the normal per credit academic fee.

Wisconsin Residents Age 60 and older will have the normal academic fees waived. Age 60 and over auditors will be required to provide proof of date of birth (Driver’s license or birth certificate).

Disabled Wisconsin residents who are receiving disability insurance benefits under either the federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program or the federal Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program will have the normal academic fees waived. A copy of your Social Security benefit letter will be required.

Minnesota Reciprocity residents will be charged 30% of the normal per credit Minnesota Reciprocity fee.

Nonresidents will be charged 50% of the normal per credit academic fee.

Upper Michigan MSEP (MI Compact) will be charged 50% of the normal per credit academic fee.

Audit Student Fee Payment Instructions
You must report to the Student Billing office (SS1300) to have charges manually adjusted to the appropriate audit rate. Tuition and fees are due at the time of registration.