This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

College of Health, Education and Social Welfare

The College of Health, Education, and Social Welfare (CHESW) offers educational programs that are transforming in terms of developing a broader worldview, gaining new knowledge and skills, and preparing for a chosen profession. Through field experience in degree programs, students are offered the opportunity to connect within communities. Graduates contribute to the greater good of communities as teachers, nurses, social workers, health information specialists, innovators, and leaders. CHESW programs include:

  • The Professional Program in Education offers a Bachelor of Science in Education with specialization options ranging from teaching Early Childhood to Adolescence. Each student completes student teaching providing hands-on learning on how to be an effective leader in the classroom. A graduate program, Master of Science in Applied Leadership in Teaching and Learning, and several dual listed courses (for both undergraduate and graduate credit) are available.
  • The Nursing and Health Studies Unit provides a range of online and face-to-face program options to acquire a Bachelor of Science in Nursing ​or Bachelor of Health Information Management and Technology. It also offers graduate degrees: Master of Science in Nursing Leadership and Management and Master of Science in Health and Wellness Management, as well as certificate​s in health-related areas ( Management in Health Systems and Nursing Leadership). Students complete relevant practicum experiences in degree programs. Dual listed courses (for both undergraduate/graduate credit) are available.
  • The Professional Programs in Social Work offers both a bachelor's degree in Social Work and a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree. Students complete field practicums for both degrees, providing hands-on learning in a variety of social service fields. The MSW Program also offers a school social work certificate for current and post-MSW students. 

For further information about CHESW, go to

Majors and Minors