This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Health Information Management

Certificate Program

The Certificate of Degree represents an in-program certificate within the existing and established collaborative online BS in Health Information Management and Technology (BS-HIMT) program.  The Certificate of Degree will be offered as a fully online, asynchronous curriculum comprised of existing BS-HIMT curriculum.  The curriculum complies with the Commission on Accreditation for Health Information and Informatics Management (CAHIIM) Education standards currently being followed by the BS-HIMT program.  Upon successful completion of the Certificate of Degree, students with an existing bachelor's degree will be eligible to sit for professional credentials offered thru The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA).  Credentials earned thru AHIMA are the gold-standard for Health Information Management professionals. 

The Certificate of Degree program will serve as an option for BS-HIMT degree-seeking students with a prior bachelor's degree, as well as a freestanding certificate program for non-degree (i.e. certificate-only) students with an earned bachelor's degree who may or may not elect to pursue the full BS-HIMT degree following completion of the certificate.  To assure academic rigor, “Certificate of the Degree programs must be in compliance with the 2018 Accreditation Standards for Baccalaureate Degree Programs and therefore must assure the achievement of all competencies as required by the 2018 HIM Curricula Competencies for Baccalaureate Degree programs.  This coherent and complete program offers a pathway to the HIM profession for prospective students that hold a previously earned baccalaureate degree or higher from an academic institution.” (CAHIIM, 2021)

Following the collaborative model, students will select and enroll at a home campus from which they will receive full academic supports and the certificate is conferred.  Academic advising will be provided by the designated BS-HIMT academic director at each institution.

Program Requirements and Curriculum:

Admission requirements for the Certificate of Degree in HIMT will include a Bachelor’s degree or concurrent enrollment in the BS-HIMT program. Program prerequisites will include coursework in College level Statistics, Communications, Biology, Medical Terminology and Body Systems, and Survey of Disease Treatments.

Below outlines the 24-credit curriculum for the certificate. Students must successfully complete all eight courses to earn the certificate. Course syllabi have been included for informational purposes. Syllabi provided contain the basic information of the courses/course content.

Required Courses:24
Digital Literacy in Healthcare
Ethical issues, Security Management and Compliance
Healthcare Billing, Coding and Reimbursement
Healthcare Information and Technology - Data
Human Resource Management in Healthcare
Healthcare Systems: Project Management
Quality Assessment and Improvement
Group Processes, Team Building and Leadership
Total Credits24

Program Learning Outcomes:

As defined above, the certificate program will consist exclusively of existing HIMT courses.