Community Sciences (COMM SCI)
COMM SCI 97. Math Preparation for Social Science Statistics. 1 Credit.
This course will cover the math preparation you will need to be successful in COMM SCI 205 (e.g., order of operations, fractions, lines). We will pace the course so that we practice the math concepts that match up to each week’s statistical concepts. Offered on a pass/no credit, non-degree credit basis only.
P: Concurrent enrollment in COMM SCI 205
Fall and Spring.
COMM SCI 145. 21st Century Citizen. 2 Credits.
In this course students will develop their capacities to become true stakeholders in their education and in their communities. We will explore the diverse contexts impacting learning and engaged citizenship, examine relevant social problems from an interdisciplinary perspective, and identify a problem to address via a large-scale service project in our spring GPS class. Along the way, students will build leadership and communication skills, self- awareness, and the habits of mind required to get the most from your college experience.
P: Participation in the GPS (Gateways to Phoenix Success) Program
Fall Only.
COMM SCI 146. GPS Spring Seminar. 3 Credits.
This course will serve as a capstone to the GPS program first year experience, and will challenge students to apply the knowledge and skills they’ve gained thus far in GPS to address a real-world problem. Students will develop and implement a service learning project with their class over the course of the semester, and will continue the work to build knowledge and skills critical to personal and career success.
P: Participation in the GPS program
COMM SCI 148. GNSS Support Protocol. 1 Credit.
One-credit course that will give incoming veterans an introduction to what to expect in the college environment, information about how to connect with university resources and local VA services, and to develop skills to be successful in their academic work at the university.
Fall Only.
COMM SCI 198. First Year Seminar. 3 Credits.
First Year Seminar, topics vary.
Reserved for New Incoming Freshman.
COMM SCI 200. Civic Scholars Practicum. 1 Credit.
The Civic Scholars program prepares students to become civic professionals and citizen leaders through sustained interdisciplinary civic engagement and scholarship with a focus on the City of Green Bay. Through workshops in the fall semester, students will visit community organizations with specific sector focuses such as education, environment, arts, history, and more-- and contextualize these experiences through discussion and reflection. The practicum prepares them for a Spring Internship and civic engagement more broadly.
P: Reserved for sophomores or transfer students
Fall Only.
COMM SCI 205. Social Science Statistics. 4 Credits.
An introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics using social science examples. Data analysis and interpretation including computerized statistical software in a lab setting.
P: COMM SCI 97; or Concurrent or prior enrollment in COMM SCI 97 or WPT:MFND test score >=416; or Post-baccalaureate status
Fall and Spring.
COMM SCI 298. Independent Study. 1-4 Credits.
Independent study is offered on an individual basis at the student's request and consists of a program of learning activities planned in consultation with a faculty member. A student wishing to study or conduct research in an area not represented in available scheduled courses should develop a preliminary proposal and seek the sponsorship of a faculty member. The student's advisor can direct him or her to instructors with appropriate interests. A written report or equivalent is required for evaluation, and a short title describing the program must be sent early in the semester to the registrar for entry on the student's transcript. Course is repeatable for credit.
COMM SCI 299. Travel Course. 1-6 Credits.
Travel courses are conducted to various parts of the world and are led by one or more faculty members. May be repeated to different locations.
P: cons of instr & prior trip arr & financial deposit.
COMM SCI 301. Foundations for Social Research. 3 Credits.
An integrated examination of the nature of science, theory and statistics. Emphasizes identifying and interpreting relationships between social phenomena by applying the conceptual tools provided in the course to specific problems.
P: COMM SCI 205 or MATH 260 or BUS ADM 220
Fall and Spring.
COMM SCI 493. Peer Mentor for First Year Seminars. 3 Credits.
In this course, students will work in First Year Seminar classes as peer mentors for first year students. Peer mentors will help promote the development of skills relevant to student success, will encourage student engagement with the university, and will act as a role model for first year students. Through this work, peer mentors will learn about college student development and effective practices in teaching and learning, will develop professional and interpersonal skills such as communication and leadership, and will have the opportunity to apply this knowledge in their work with first year students. Course is repeatable for credit; may be taken 2 times for a total of 6 credits.
P: Approval of instructor
Fall Only.
COMM SCI 497. Internship. 1-12 Credits.
Supervised practical experience in an organization or activity appropriate to a student's career and educational interests. Internships are supervised by faculty members and require periodic student/faculty meetings. Course is repeatable for credit.
COMM SCI 498. Independent Study. 1-4 Credits.
Independent study is offered on an individual basis at the student's request and consists of a program of learning activities planned in consultation with a faculty member. A student wishing to study or conduct research in an area not represented in available scheduled courses should develop a preliminary proposal and seek the sponsorship of a faculty member. The student's advisor can direct him or her to instructors with appropriate interests. A written report or equivalent is required for evaluation, and a short title describing the program must be sent early in the semester to the registrar for entry on the student's transcript. Course is repeatable for credit.
P: fr or so st with cum gpa > or = 2.50; or jr or sr st with cum gpa > or = 2.00.
COMM SCI 499. Travel Course. 1-6 Credits.
Travel courses are conducted to various parts of the world and are led by one or more faculty members. May be repeated to different locations.
P: cons of instr & prior trip arr & financial deposit.