Political Science
(Bachelor of Arts)
Political Science is concerned with the systematic study of political behavior, governmental institutions and policy-making processes, public policies and their implementation, and political values in local, state, national, cross-national and international settings.
The program acquaints students with the structure and operation of political systems; the cultural, social, economic, and ideological context of these systems; the major philosophical questions and relevance to understanding modern political phenomena; and the major methods of inquiry and analysis used in the contemporary study of politics, government and public policy.
Political Science is a major often chosen by students who plan to attend law school. It is useful as well for students anticipating careers in journalism, planning, education, business, foreign service, politics, and public service positions with private and public agencies at the local, state, regional, federal, and international levels.
Political Science majors have entered graduate study in political science, public administration, education, and related fields. Many students choose complimentary minors, such as Public Administration, Urban and Regional Studies, Environmental Policy and Planning, Communication, Democracy and Justice Studies, and Business Administration.
Students seeking information on teacher certification should contact the Education Office.
The following is only an example of a four-year Political Science degree program and is subject to change without notice. Students should consult a Political Science program advisor to ensure that they have the most accurate and up-to-date information available about a particular four-year degree option.
Ekaterina M Levintova; Professor; Ph.D., Western Michigan University, chair
Alise Coen; Associate Professor; Ph.D., University of Delaware
David J Helpap; Associate Professor; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee*
Alison K Staudinger; Associate Professor; Ph.D., University of Maryland
Aaron C Weinschenk; Associate Professor; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee*
Elizabeth E Wheat; Associate Professor; Ph.D., Western Michigan University*
POL SCI 100. Global Politics and Society. 3 Credits.
The course explores political power and human connections on a global scale. The course covers concepts and ideas on the interaction of governments, organizations, and peoples across regions, cultures, and communities. The course helps students develop a global outlook on their future prospects as citizens and professionals in a globalized world.
Fall and Spring.
POL SCI 101. American Government and Politics. 3 Credits.
The institutions and political processes of American National government and the nature of political analysis; the Constitution, ideological and cultural bases of American politics; the role of political parties, elections and interest groups; policy-making processes in the Congress, the presidency and courts.
Fall and Spring.
POL SCI 102. Introduction to Politics. 3 Credits.
What is the ideal form of government and society? A survey and analysis of ideas related to citizenship in the community, nation and world, with emphasis on competing political values/ideologies and civic engagement.
POL SCI 120. Politics of Crime and Punishment. 3 Credits.
Focuses on the competing goals of public policy in criminal justice, from public order, due process, efficiency, rights and liberties. Analyzes the interplay of key actors including police, courts and prisons in policy-making and implementation. Includes the role of media and myth.
POL SCI 198. First Year Seminar. 3 Credits.
Reserved for New Incoming Freshman.
POL SCI 202. Introduction to Public Policy. 3 Credits.
Contemporary issues in American public policy. Substantive public policies such as those dealing with the American economy, health care, energy, environmental quality, the welfare state and social programs. Models of the policy process are also considered.
Fall and Spring.
POL SCI 299. Travel Course. 1-6 Credits.
Travel courses are conducted to various parts of the world and are led by one or more faculty members. May be repeated to different locations.
P: cons of instr & prior trip arr & financial deposit.
POL SCI 301. Environmental Politics and Policy. 3 Credits.
U.S. and global environmental problems and their political implications. Emphasizes U.S. environmental politics, issues and controversies in environmental protection policy, the performance of governmental institution in response to environmental challenges, and strategies for environmental improvement.
P: POL SCI 101 or 202 or PU EN AF 202.
Fall and Spring.
POL SCI 305. Urban Politics and Policy. 3 Credits.
Structures and operations of city governments and their responses to policy issues such as education, employment, social welfare, housing, transportation, migration, racial discrimination, urban sprawl and social inequality. Course examines the role of race and ethnicity in each policy issue.
P: jr st; and POL SCI 101 or UR RE ST 100.
Fall Only.
POL SCI 306. Regulatory Policy and Administration. 3 Credits.
The origins, purposes and operation of regulatory agencies and the programs in the U.S.: theories of regulation, issues and controversies in regulatory policy, and decision-making in such areas as economic regulation, public health, consumer protection workplace safety and environmental quality.
P: POL SCI 101 or 202 or PU EN AF 202.
Fall Even.
POL SCI 310. The American Presidency. 3 Credits.
The president's role in public policy-making. Topics include the history of the presidency, presidential elections, the nature and use of presidential power, the organization and operation of the executive office, the presidential relationship with Congress and the bureaucracy, and presidential leadership.
P: POL SCI 101.
Fall Even.
POL SCI 312. Community Politics. 3 Credits.
This course emphasizes the historical dimensions of community politics in the U.S. It also explores the role of grass roots social movements in shaping local politics.
P: none; REC: POL SCI 101.
POL SCI 314. Administrative Law. 3 Credits.
Administrative law in the American federal (intergovernmental) system: connections between administrative law issues and issues of public policy; and legal dimensions of administrative problems.
P: POL SCI 101 or PU EN AF 215.
Fall Only.
POL SCI 316. Congress: Politics and Policy. 3 Credits.
The role of Congress in American politics and policymaking, including the history of Congress, elections, representation, committees, political parties and leadership, rules and procedures, interest groups and lobbying, presidential-congressional relations, and the role of Congress in both domestic and foreign policy decisions.
P: POL SCI 101.
POL SCI 318. Political Behavior. 3 Credits.
An introduction to political behavior that approaches the topics of elections, public opinion, voting behavior, mass media, and political socialization through the application of quantitative methods of analysis.
P: POL SCI 100 or 101.
Fall Only.
POL SCI 320. Constitutional Law. 3 Credits.
This course examines the development of constitutional law across a variety of issue areas in the United States Supreme Court, focusing on civil liberties and civil rights. It is taught using the case law method, which consists of reading judicial opinions. In addition to learning about our individual freedoms and rights, we will identify, analyze, and evaluate the legal questions and legal arguments raised in Supreme Court cases.
P: POL SCI 101.
Fall Only.
POL SCI 333. Political Science Research Lab. 3 Credits.
Students will work with a small group of their peers to develop a research project on a contemporary topic related to politics. Over the course of the semester, students will develop a research question, conduct a literature review, gather and analyze data, and write a research paper. Along the way, students will read journal articles, books, and book chapters that will help them refresh their memories on research methods and statistics. Course is repeatable for credit; may be taken 2 times for a total of 6 credits.
P: POL SCI 101 and COMM SCI 205. REC: COMM SCI 301 and POL SCI 318
Fall Odd.
POL SCI 340. Political Theory. 3 Credits.
The foundations of Western political theory from the Greek polis to the 20th century. Discusses and analyzes leading political theorists in their historical contexts and in terms of their basic ideas and concepts. Attaches the study of politics to the history of Western political thought and practice.
P: POL SCI 100 or 101.
Fall Only.
POL SCI 349. American Political Thought. 3 Credits.
The history and development of American political thought, with attention to the thinkers and themes influential to controversies, ideologies, and institutions in American politics.
POL SCI 351. Comparative Politics. 3 Credits.
The course examines fundamental concepts in the study of the processes and outcomes of politics in a variety of country settings. It illustrates the rich diversity of political life, shows available institutional alternatives, explains differences in political regimes and outcomes, and communicates the importance of global political and economic changes.
P: POL SCI 100 or 101.
Fall and Spring.
POL SCI 353. Politics of Developing Areas. 3 Credits.
This course examines contemporary problems of comparative political development and changing patterns of political economy in developing areas. The main focus is on the prospects for democracy and economic prosperity after the Cold War.
P: POL SCI 100 or 101.
Spring Odd.
POL SCI 360. International Relations. 3 Credits.
The course focuses on competing explanations for interaction between state and non-state actors, and analyzes recent changes in international organizations and the international political economy.
P: POL SCI 100 or 101.
Fall Only.
POL SCI 370. Foreign and Defense Policies. 3 Credits.
Explores the institutions and political processes related to U.S. foreign and defense policies, including the international challenges facing the United States, the nation's policy goals and their evolution over time, the strategies used to achieve those goals, and conflicts over policy implementation and its success.
POL SCI 380. Global Environmental Politics and Policy. 3 Credits.
This course explores the transnational and international context of environmental politics and policy. Particular focus areas include the causes of environmental harm, the meaning of sustainability, and the relevance of new environmental actors on the global stage.
P: jr st. REC: POL SCI 100
POL SCI 406. State and Local Government. 3 Credits.
Policy and institutional comparisons across states and local governments through hands-on research, placing a special focus on Wisconsin's local governments.
P: POL SCI 101 or PU EN AF 215.
POL SCI 408. Public Policy Analysis. 3 Credits.
An introduction to public policy analysis and to the policy-making process, primarily in American government. The course emphasizes the political aspects of policy analysis, models and methods for rational design of public policies, and applications of policy studies to particular public problems.
P: POL SCI 101 or 202 or PU EN AF 202.
Fall and Spring.
POL SCI 478. Honors in the Major. 3 Credits.
Honors in the Major is designed to recognize student excellence within interdisciplinary and disciplinary academic programs.
P: min 3.50 all cses req for major and min gpa 3.75 all UL cses req for major.
Fall and Spring.
POL SCI 480. Senior Seminar/Capstone in Political Science. 3 Credits.
This course is designed to be taken during the last semester of one’s UW-Green Bay education to “cap off” training in political science and related fields. In this course, students will complete either a research paper that approaches the standards of graduate school, and thus professional norms of research and publishing, or a significant service learning project designed to put theoretical knowledge into practice. As a result, the course has two major objectives that are organized around important disciplinary research objectives: 1) to practice standard political science research methods and 2) to conduct applied research and activities in political science.
P: Completion of three UL courses required for the major.
Fall and Spring.
POL SCI 497. Internship. 1-12 Credits.
Supervised practical experience in an organization or activity appropriate to a student's career and educational interests. Internships are supervised by faculty members and require periodic student/faculty meetings.
P: jr st.
Fall and Spring.
POL SCI 498. Independent Study. 1-4 Credits.
Independent study is offered on an individual basis at the student's request and consists of a program of learning activities planned in consultation with a faculty member. A student wishing to study or conduct research in an area not represented in available scheduled courses should develop a preliminary proposal and seek the sponsorship of a faculty member. The student's advisor can direct him or her to instructors with appropriate interests. A written report or equivalent is required for evaluation, and a short title describing the program must be sent early inthe semester to the registrar for entry on the student's transcript.
P: fr or so st with cum gpa > or = 2.50; or jr or sr st with cum gpa > or = 2.00.
Fall and Spring.
POL SCI 499. Travel Course. 1-6 Credits.
Travel courses are conducted to various parts of the world and are led by one or more faculty members. May be repeated to different locations.
P: cons of instr & prior trip arr & financial deposit.