Organizational Leadership
(Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Applied Studies)
Organizational leadership crosses disciplinary, organizational, community, and cultural boundaries and teaches students how to contribute as citizens in a complex, multi-cultural world. Graduates are well-positioned to embark on new careers or advance in their current work or graduate studies in multiple fields.The Organizational Leadership upper-level core courses (18 credits) will introduce students to the major theories and models of leadership with a focus on how we can use these theories and models to transform our leadership in practice and encourage students to develop fundamental leadership skills such as communication, human resources management, financial management, organizational applied research, and other specialized skills of your choosing.
A unique feature of the Organizational Leadership major is the choice of an emphasis which typically includes 4-5 courses in a student's desired area of focus. Areas of emphasis include Applied Communication, Business Administration, Early Childhood Education, Emergency Management, Environmental Policy and Planning, Healthcare Management, Public & Nonprofit Management, or a self-directed four-course emphasis (which must be approved by the Coordinator). In this way, students can develop important cross-cutting foundational leadership competencies while specializing in a career path through the choice of the emphasis.
The Bachelor of Arts degree (B.A.) is suitable for:
- Students who already have an Associate of Arts & Sciences degree
- Students who have taken a few college courses and wish to transfer in some credits
- Students who begin college and select the Organizational Leadership major as she or he starts a college career
The Bachelor of Applied Studies degree (B.A.S.) requires an Applied Associate Degree. Such students are promised 60 credits toward their U.W. Green Bay degree. Students accepted into this program will be able to transfer coursework from any Wisconsin Technical College System campus or other regionally-accredited two-year institution into UW-Green Bay as a block of 60 degree credits and enter the University as a junior. Students complete a minimum of 60 additional credits to satisfy UW-Green Bay general education requirements, requirements for the Organizational Leadership major and all other degree requirements.
Area of Emphasis
Students must complete requirements in one of the following areas of emphasis:
Lora H Warner; Associate Professor; Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University, chair
ORG LEAD 198. Introduction to Leadership. 3 Credits.
In this course, you will explore perceptions of leadership, reflect on beliefs about leadership and understand the role and influence of leaders in today's society.
P: BAS-OL or ORG LEAD Major or minor
Fall and Spring.
ORG LEAD 300. Integrative Leadership Seminar II. 3 Credits.
This course is designed to offer an examination of concepts and issues involved in the study and practice of leadership. We will explore leadership from a variety of perspectives within the humanities, fine arts, social sciences, and natural sciences, since integrative leaders draw upon and consider multiple perspectives to inform their decision-making. We will also identify the basic components of the research process, and research current issues/problems in leadership to meet the critical thinking learning outcome.
P: ILS 198 and Junior Status
Fall and Spring.
ORG LEAD 346. Organizational Research and Statistics. 3 Credits.
The focus of this course is on workplace research. Students will learn to identify problems and questions in need of solutions, to collect data that may be relevant to the solution, to use the tools of statistics to analyze and interpret data and to draw conclusions warranted by data analysis.
P: Sophomore status. REC: ORG LEAD 198, PU EN AF 344
Fall and Spring.
ORG LEAD 347. Budgeting and Financial Management. 3 Credits.
This course will examine and address the intersection of budgeting and financial management across all three organizational sectors—public, private, and nonprofit, highlighting similarities and differences. It will delve into techniques, strategies, theories, and applications of budgeting and financial management, with an emphasis on real-world applications in organizations of all sizes and types.
P: None. REC: ORG LEAD 198; PU EN AF 344
ORG LEAD 348. Organizational Behavior Across Sectors. 3 Credits.
The course is designed to develop student’s skills in managing individuals and groups in business, government, and nonprofit settings. It focuses on the knowledge, self-awareness, and skills appropriate for leaders in organizations such as communication, collective decision-making, conflict negotiation and resolution, motivation, and politics through the lens of the individual.
P: Sophomore status. REC: ORG LEAD 198; PU EN AF 344
Fall Only.
ORG LEAD 400. Organizational Leadership Capstone. 3 Credits.
This course helps students synthesize the learning experienced in the Organizational Leadership major, area(s) of emphasis, and core liberal studies courses. Students will demonstrate an integration of problem-solving abilities from multiple fields of study. The capstone provides a platform for discussion, reflection, and discovery about the meaning and value of effective leadership in organizations.
P: ORG LEAD major and senior status
Fall and Spring.
ORG LEAD 478. Honors in the Major. 3 Credits.
An individual contract is developed in consultation with a faculty member who is proficient in the subject matter of the topic with the approval of the Coordinator Organizational Leadership program.
ORG LEAD 497. Internship. 1-6 Credits.
Supervised practical experience in an organization or activity appropriate to a student's career and educational interests. Internships are supervised by faculty members and require periodic student/faculty meetings. Must obtain the approval of the Organizational Leadership program coordinator or department chairperson. Course is repeatable for credit; may be taken 3 times or for a total of 6 credits.
ORG LEAD 498. Independent Study. 1-4 Credits.
Independent study is offered on an individual basis at the student's request and consists of a program of learning activities planned in consultation with a faculty member. A student wishing to study or conduct research in an area not represented in available scheduled courses should develop a preliminary proposal and seek the sponsorship of a faculty member. The student's advisor can direct him or her to instructors with appropriate interests. A written report or equivalent is required for evaluation, and a short title describing the program must be sent early inthe semester to the registrar for entry on the student's transcript.