This is an archived copy of the 2016-2017 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

History Major

This disciplinary major also requires:

Completion of an interdisciplinary major or minor

Students majoring in History and pursuing DPI certification within the Education program should check with the History adviser about any special History department requirements for prospective teachers.

Supporting Courses18
American History
American History to 1865
History of the United States from 1865 to the Present
Western History
Choose one of the following courses:
Foundations of Western Culture I
Foundations of Western Culture II
World History
Choose one of the following courses:
World Civilizations I
World Civilizations II
Historical Methods
The Craft of History
Choose 1 course not taken to meet one of the above requirements
Foundations of Western Culture I
Foundations of Western Culture II
World Civilizations I
World Civilizations II
Introduction to African-American History
American Environmental History
Upper-Level Courses24
Seminar in History
Category I, American History
Choose one of the following courses:
Historical Perspectives on American Democracy
Topics in Democracy and Justice
Topic: The U.S. and Genocide
Topic: Historical Perspectives on US Education System
Wisconsin First Nations Ethnohistory
Problems in American Thought
United States Immigration History
American Colonial History
History of Wisconsin
The Early American Republic
Economic and Business History of the U.S.
Topics in African American History
U.S. Labor and the Working Class: Past and Present
History of Sexuality in the U.S.
U.S. Women's History
America in the Twentieth Century
Category II, European History
Choose one of the following courses:
The Middle Ages
Early Modern Europe
Europe in the 19th Century
Europe in the 20th Century
Ancient Greece
Ancient Rome
Topics in Ancient History
Topics in Medieval History
Topics in Early Modern European History
Topics in Modern European History
Category III, Non-Western History
Choose one of the following courses:
Topics in Democracy and Justice (Topic: South Africa)
The Rise of Islamic Civilization to 1800
History of Modern East Asia
History of Modern Africa
Political History of Modern Latin America
Choose 12 credits from the following courses:
Any 300-400 History courses may be used to complete this requirement
Historical Perspectives on American Democracy
Topics in Democracy and Justice (Topic: US & Genocide, US Education, South Africa)
Wisconsin First Nations Ethnohistory
Total Credits42