This is an archived copy of the 2016-2017 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Emergency Management

Certificate Program

Faculty, Public and Environmental Affairs – Marcelo Cruz, Scott Furlong, David Helpap, Ray Hutchison, Kumar Kangayappan, Thomas Nesslein,  Laurel E. Phoenix, John Stoll, Lora Warner, Aaron Weinschenk, Elizabeth Wheat

Senior Lecturer, Public and Environmental Affairs – Karen Dalke


There is a nationwide effort within the Emergency Management industry today toward requiring bachelor’s degrees for professionals working in the field. This translates into more jobs in the future requiring advanced knowledge, critical thinking skills, and academic preparation – in short, a college degree. A degree from the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay with this added certificate will give you the edge you need to compete and succeed.

The risk of hazardous events is increasing dramatically as a consequence of our growing ability to alter our environment.

  • Tornados, floods, fires, disease and other natural hazards endanger people and property each year.
  • Homeland security is now a major focus for our federal, state and local governments. The events of September 11, 2001 brought home the acute necessity of planning for the social and economic impact of man-made disasters in the form of potential terrorist attacks.
  • Technological hazards are on the increase. Complex industrial processes using hazardous materials are becoming more common in the workplace.

Experts project that emergencies causing catastrophic loss of life, property and resources will occur more frequently in the future. Devastation and losses from a disaster can be lessened when businesses, emergency personnel and governments put organized, developed plans in place. Such planning requires skills in budgeting, administration, management and emergency operation procedures.

Certificate Program

Supporting Courses 16
Introduction to Public Administration
Choose one course:
American Government and Politics
Introduction to Public Policy
Upper Level Courses18
Principles and Practices of Emergency Management
Strategic Emergency Preparedness, Planning and Implementation
Disaster Response Operations and Management
Disaster Recovery
Political and Policy Dimensions of Emergency Management
Choose one course:
Public and Non-Profit Management
Environmental Law
Public and Nonprofit Program Evaluation
Total Credits24

Recommended Course to complete: an introductory statistics class such as COMM SCI 205 or its equivalent.