Social Work
Professional Major
(Bachelor of Social Work)
Associate Professors – Francis Akakpo, Doreen Higgins, Jolanda Sallmann, Gail Trimberger (chair)
Assistant Professors – Adrianne M. Crawford Fletcher, Joan Groessl
Lecturers – Karen Jick, Nina Powell, Jennifer Schanen, Dana Strohm
Social work is an exciting and dynamic profession. The major in Social Work, leading to the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree, prepares a graduate for a career as a social worker working with a broad range of individuals, families, organizations, and communities. Graduates of the UW-Green Bay Social Work Professional Program secure positions in programs serving populations that include older adults, children and their families, persons challenged by developmental and other disabilities, juvenile and adult offenders, persons experiencing mental or physical health issues, and other groups identified in this ever-evolving field. Social workers provide direct service and work for social justice through advocacy and, for example, social policy development and change.
The Social Work Professional Program has full accreditation from the Council on Social Work Education. The BSW degree from UW-Green Bay allows the graduate to obtain state certification and provides a broad range of employment opportunities.
Majors may elect to enroll in the child welfare emphasis, preparing for a career in child welfare practice. Students who have an interest in a career in public or tribal child welfare can apply for a stipend through The Child Welfare Education Program.
A Bachelor of Social Work degree provides advanced status for students seeking a Master’s Degree in Social Work.
Program Entry Requirements
Students who wish to major in Social Work must make formal application for admission to the program. This applies to those transferring from other institutions as well as students continuing at UW-Green Bay. Students may apply to the Social Work program at either the February or May application date for fall admission. Application materials are available from the UW-Green Bay Social Work website .
To apply to the BSW degree program, students must first be admitted to the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. They must have completed at least 27 credits before applying, and 48 credits before beginning the Social Work program. These credits must include at least four supporting courses for the major, with an overall cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5. Applicants must also have demonstrated an interest in the profession by volunteering in the field or through relevant employment, as indicated by letters of reference and the essay accompanying their application. A caregiver background check is part of the application/admission process.
Prospective Social Work majors should seek early advising from Social Work faculty by contacting the Social Work office, 920-465-2049 , to schedule an appointment.
SOC WORK 202. Introduction to Human Services. 3 Credits.
Overview of career opportunities in the human services; explores such fields of practice as aging, corrections, alcohol and substance abuse, child welfare, mental health and the developmentally disabled.
Fall Only.
SOC WORK 250. You and Your Future: Living and Working in an Aging Society. 3 Credits.
This interactive service learning course explores contemporary topics in aging including anti-aging technology, multi-generational workplace issues, public policy issues, family and intergenerational caregiving, and programs and services for older adults. Second Life virtual reality technology is used in the course.
SOC WORK 275. Foundations of Social Welfare Policy. 3 Credits.
Overview of the U.S. social welfare institution, including the development of policies and services to meet social problems and the institutional arrangements that provide people with the resources and services to meet their needs.
P: ENG COMP 105 or conc enr.
Fall Only.
SOC WORK 299. Travel Course. 1-4 Credits.
Travel courses are conducted to various parts of the world and are led by one or more faculty members. May be repeated to different locations.
P: cons of instr & prior trip arr & financial deposit.
SOC WORK 300. Field Experience in a Human Service Agency. 1 Credit.
Introductory exposure to working in a social services agency; professionally supervised program of observation and assistance in the agency.
P: conc enr in SOC WORK 370.
SOC WORK 305. The Social Work Profession. 3 Credits.
Orientation to the knowledge, skills and values of professional social work practice. Definition of professional competencies expected of a Bachelor of Social Work graduate and their relationship to field training experience.
P: major in Soc Work; ENG COMP 105; SOC WORK 275 or conc enr.; conc enr. in SOC WORK 313.
Fall Only.
SOC WORK 313. Social Work Skills Lab I. 1 Credit.
Instruction and practice in basic interviewing skills for the beginning social work professional.
P: conc enr in SOC WORK 305.
Fall Only.
SOC WORK 323. Social Work Skills Lab II. 1 Credit.
Instruction and practice in interpersonal skills required for working with other professionals, including use of supervision, teamwork, mediation, negotiation, referral and conflict management.
P: conc enr in SOC WORK 370.
SOC WORK 330. Understanding Diversity, Challenging Oppression: A Service Learning Course for Helping Professionals. 3 Credits.
Service learning course on working with diverse groups and communities for persons considering a career in the helping professions.
P: Sophomore status.
SOC WORK 351. Overview of the Child Welfare System. 3 Credits.
Analysis of the place of child welfare policies and services among society's general provisions for family welfare and support. Overview of child welfare programs and services and the broad principles underlying delivery of services.
SOC WORK 370. Social Work Methods I. 3 Credits.
Application of social work methods to planned changes with organizations and communities; explores how agency and community contexts shape social work practice.
P: SOC WORK 305.
SOC WORK 371. Human Behavior and the Social Environment. 3 Credits.
Examines the biological, psychological, social-structural and cultural sources of the behavior of individuals and organizations from the perspective of systems analysis, human diversity and goal-directed behavior; applications to social work practice.
P: SOC WORK 305 and HUM BIOL 102.
SOC WORK 375. Family Principles and Patterns. 3 Credits.
This course is designed to increase familiarity with the family unit and its social role. Topics include basic principles of the family life cycle, how privilege and social positioning impact family life, and typical transitions and challenges experienced by the family.
P: Jr Standing.
SOC WORK 380. Cross Cultural Diversity and the Helping Professions. 3 Credits.
Students who will work with diverse individuals and groups seeking professional services will learn to do so in a culturally relevant manner. Course content specifically focuses on the application of culturally relevant work in the helping professions.
P: sophomore standing.
SOC WORK 395. Special Topics in Social Work. 1-3 Credits.
In-depth coverage of topics not covered by regular courses, such as substance use, mental health problems, interpersonal violence, PTSD, aging, homelessness, LGBTQ issues, religion, spirituality, globalization, and others. Offerings of different topics can be repeated for credit.
P: so st.; REC: ENG COMP 105.
SOC WORK 402. Field Practicum I. 5 Credits.
Actual social service work through placement in a social service agency.
P: conc enr in SOC WORK 411.
Fall Only.
SOC WORK 403. Field Practicum II. 5 Credits.
Actual social service work through placement in a social service agency.
P: SOC WORK 402 and conc enr in 420.
SOC WORK 411. Social Work Methods II. 3 Credits.
Application of social work methods with individuals, families and groups; focus on assessment, planning and intervention strategies with an introduction to evaluation and termination processes.
P: SOC WORK 370.
Fall Only.
SOC WORK 413. Social Work Skills Lab III. 1 Credit.
Instruction and practice in advanced interviewing skills needed by the beginning social work professional.
P: conc enr in SOC WORK 411.
Fall Only.
SOC WORK 420. Social Work Methods III. 3 Credits.
Theory and methods of planned change interventions with specific populations at risk; integration of micro and macro level practice, with an emphasis on community organizing; evaluation of practice; and termination.
P: SOC WORK 411.
SOC WORK 423. Social Work Skills Lab IV. 1 Credit.
Instruction and practice in professional interactional skills focusing on small and large groups, and specialized intervention skills.
P: conc enr in SOC WORK 420.
SOC WORK 431. Social Policy Analysis I. 2 Credits.
Instruction and practice in analyzing social problems and related policies; observation with local government policy making; application of skills to specific policy and its implementation in the community.
P: SOC WORK 370 and conc enr in 461.
Fall Only.
SOC WORK 433. Social Policy Analysis II. 2 Credits.
Theory and methods for planned social policy change; development and implementation of a planned change project as a follow up to the social problem and policy analyzed in Social Policy Analysis I.
P: SOC WORK 431 and conc enr in 463.
SOC WORK 451. Child Welfare Practice. 3 Credits.
Overview of social work practice in child welfare. Examinations of nature and causes of child maltreatment and the role of child welfare. Exploration of the ways practice principles in child welfare are applied in the assessment and intervention phases of helping in the delivery of services.
P: SOC WORK 351 and 370.
Fall Only.
SOC WORK 461. Program Evaluation I. 2 Credits.
Introduction to the principles of program evaluation and community research. Design and implement an evaluation research project.
P: COMM SCI 301; SOC WORK 370; conc enr in SOC WORK 431.
Fall Only.
SOC WORK 463. Program Evaluation II. 2 Credits.
Introduction to program evaluation designs; analyze and interpret data from community research project; make recommendations for new or changed programs or policies.
P: SOC WORK 461; conc enr in SOC WORK 433.
SOC WORK 478. Honors in the Major. 3 Credits.
Honors in the Major is designed to recognize student excellence within interdisciplinary and disciplinary academic programs.
P: min 3.50 all cses req for major and min gpa 3.75 all UL cses req for major.
Fall and Spring.
SOC WORK 497. Internship. 1-12 Credits.
Supervised practical experience in an organization or activity appropriate to a student's career and educational interests. Internships are supervised by faculty members and require periodic student/faculty meetings.
P: jr st.
Fall and Spring.
SOC WORK 498. Independent Study. 1-4 Credits.
Independent study is offered on an individual basis at the student's request and consists of a program of learning activities planned in consultation with a faculty member. A student wishing to study or conduct research in an area not represented in available scheduled courses should develop a preliminary proposal and seek the sponsorship of a faculty member. The student's advisor can direct him or her to instructors with appropriate interests. A written report or equivalent is required for evaluation, and a short title describing the program must be sent early inthe semester to the registrar for entry on the student's transcript.
P: fr or so st with cum gpa > or = 2.50; or jr or sr st with cum gpa > or = 2.00.
Fall and Spring.
SOC WORK 499. Travel Course. 1-6 Credits.
Travel courses are conducted to various parts of the world and are led by one or more faculty members. May be repeated to different locations.
P: cons of instr & prior trip arr & financial deposit.