Planning an Undergraduate Academic Program
Degree Residency Requirement
- A minimum of 30 credits must be earned at UW-Green Bay.
- The minimum credit residency requirement for a major is 15 credits.
- The minimum credit residency requirement for a minor is 9 credits.
- One half of the upper-level requirements for any major, minor, etc., must be earned at UW-Green Bay.
A student who has completed the junior year and meets the residency requirement, but cannot complete the senior year in residence for reasons of employment transfer, marriage, or other cause, can graduate from UW-Green Bay. Appropriate courses taken at another university as a substitute for senior year residence at UW-Green Bay can be selected with an adviser. Selected courses must then be approved by the chairperson of the student’s major and, if necessary, by the appropriate academic dean.
Note: Credits earned at the undergraduate and graduate level through the Credit for Prior Learning process (e.g., standardized examinations, challenge exams, portfolio development) may not be used to satisfy UW-Green Bay Degree Residency Requirements for degrees, major and minors.
Guidelines for Majors and Minors
- Majors will consist of a minimum of 30 credits with at least 24 credits at the upper level.
- Minors will consist of a minimum of 18 credits with at least 12 credits at the upper level. The three exceptions are Music, Art, and Theatre.
- The official transcript will include only type of degree and date earned; major(s), minor(s), and All-University Honors, Honors in the Major and any Semester Honors achieved. Certificates are only transcribed if a degree is earned.
- Diplomas will carry only the degree (B.A., B.S., etc.) and All-University Honors if achieved.
- Overlapping of requirements for majors, minors, and professional programs with the general education requirements is permitted.
- Majors, minors and professional programs may declare that their requirements are valid for a maximum period of five years following the final approval of a student’s academic plan.
Earning a Second Bachelor’s Degree at UW-Green Bay
Currently, UW-Green Bay has no dual degree programs. Students who have earned a first baccalaureate degree from UW-Green Bay may earn a second, distinct baccalaureate degree by completing a minimum of 30 additional undergraduate credits in residence subsequent to the awarding of the first degree and by satisfying all major (and minor if required of the second degree/major program) requirements for the second degree. This 30-credit requirement includes a minimum of 15 credits that are used to satisfy the requirements for the major and minor (if required) as part of the second degree. The two bachelor’s degrees earned must have different degree designations (e.g., BS, BA, BAS, BBA, BSN, BSW).
Students with Two or More Majors
Students who declare two or more majors at the same time are granted only one baccalaureate degree and receive only one diploma upon graduation. If the majors declared have different degree designations, then the student must choose which degree they want to receive. All successfully completed majors are recorded on the student’s academic transcript.
The Registrar’s Office transcribes certificates earned on an academic record when a student completes a degree. The Registrar’s Office does not transcribe a certificate on the academic record for students who do not earn a degree, but who complete a series of classes that are a part of a certificate program. Typically academic departments are responsible for printing and awarding a certificate of completion.