Nursing (NURSING)
NURSING 734. Evaluation and Evidence-Based Practice in Health Systems. 3 Credits.
This course will focus on skills needed for nurses to evaluate outcomes in health systems. Topics include using statistics and information systems in evaluation and research, continuous quality improvement, evidence-based practice, safety and quality indicators, performance improvement methods, and team-based problem solving.
P: Must be admitted to MSN program
Fall Odd.
NURSING 737. Leadership in Health Systems. 3 Credits.
This course will forcus on the development of leadership for nurses in complex organizations. Students will explore the cncepts of organizational culture in micro, meso and macro systems. Topics will include transformation of complex organizations, conflict, crisis management, leading innovation, creating a culture of safety, and serving as a mentor and coach.
P: Must be admitted to MSN program
Spring Even.
NURSING 741. Theories of Organizational Behavior and Leadership in Health Systems. 3 Credits.
This course will address concepts and theories important to nursing leadership and management in health systems. Organizational behavior, leadership theories, and complexity science will be emphasized.
P: Must be admitted to MSN program
Fall Odd.
NURSING 745. Economics and Policy in Health Systems. 3 Credits.
This course will explore the health care delivery system in the United States including economic, political, financial, ethical, and social factors affecting health policy. Emphasis will be given to the financing of health care. Statistics will be used to analyze resource management and utilization. Legislative and regulatory processes affecting nursing and healthcare will be addressed.
P: Must be admitted to MSN program
Spring Even.
NURSING 750. Human Resource Management in Health Systems. 3 Credits.
This course is designed to introduce students to the field of human resource management from the perspective of a nurse manager and address effective human resource management practices and policies designed to create and maintain a healthy professional work environment. Communication strategies and technologies, and collaboration on interprofessional healthcare teams and with diverse groups will be addressed. Staffing models, hiring, retention and supervision practices, performance enhancement planning, strategic scheduling, and labor relations/law will be covered.
P: Must be admitted to MSN program.
NURSING 755. Program Planning for Population Health. 2 Credits.
This course will focus on the role of the nurse leader in program planning for health promotion and disease prevention for populations. Topics will include determinants of health, epidemiology, biostatistics, and advancing equity in access, services, and outcomes for vulnerable populations.
P: Must be admitted to MSN program.
NURSING 760. Informatics in Health Systems. 3 Credits.
This course will enhance students' knowledge and skills related to nursing informatics in a variety of healthcare settings. Students will learn how to use project management principles and technologies to enhance patient-care delivery, management, and clinical decision support. Research from nursing and other disciplines regarding improving patient outcomes, cost effectiveness and patient safety will be emphasized.
P: Must be admitted to MSN program
Fall Even.
NURSING 770. Practicum I Evidence-based Clinical Care in Health Systems. 3 Credits.
Using an inter-professional perspective, specific evidence-based patient quality and safety practice related policy decisions will be explored. Trends, statistics and quality benchmarks will be used to understand decisions in clinical care. The course will provide a structured opportunity for using evidence-based health promotion and disease management principles in family/lifespan nursing care.
P: Must be admitted to MSN program
Fall Even.
NURSING 772. Practicum II Leadership and Management in Health Systems. 3 Credits.
This course will provide a structured experience for exploration of nursing leadership and management roles in health care systems and development of an evidence-based capstone project. Emphasis will be placed on information systems, financial reimbursement models, disaster/crisis management plans and organizational culture.
P: Must be admitted to MSN program
Spring Odd.
NURSING 774. Practicum III Advanced Leadership and Management in Health Systems. 3 Credits.
In this course a student will assume a nursing leadership role by implementing a capstone project at the practicum site. Reflective strategies will be used to enhance learning and process the practicum experience. The student will disseminate the project findings to an inter-professional team.
P: NURSING 770 & 772.
NURSING 780. Financial Management in Health Systems. 3 Credits.
This course will develop knowledge and skills used by nurse leaders for effective financial management in health care systems. Topics will include reimbursement systems, coding and payment mechanisms, ethics and legalities of contracting, governmental regulations, budget development, marketing and inter-professional collaboration around budget and finance.
P: Must be admitted to MSN program
Spring Odd.
NURSING 785. Environmental Sustainability in Health Systems. 2 Credits.
This course will explore sustainability in health systems with emphasis on the environmental impact of health system practices. Implications of United States and global environmental health policy will be analyzed. Economic sustainability including cost-benefit analysis will be addressed. Emphasis will be placed on decisions and strategies nurse leaders make that impact sustainability of health systems and the environment.
P: Must be admitted to MSN program.