This is an archived copy of the 2015-2016 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Faculty Members


Abbott, Clifford F; Professor; Info & Computing Science; Ph.D., Yale+
Adsit, Theresa E; Senior Lecturer; Natural & Applied Sciences; M.S., UW-Milwaukee
Agarwal, Pooja; Assoc Lecturer; Business Administration; M.E., Kent State University
Akakpo, Tohoro F; Associate Professor; Social Work; Ph.D., Michigan State*
Albers, Patricia A; Lecturer; Business Administration; M.B.A., UW-Oshkosh
Aldrete, Gregory S; Professor; Humanistic Studies; Ph.D., Michigan
Alesch, Daniel J; Assoc Lecturer; Outrch & Adult Access-Cr Outr +
Alexander, Ross C; Assoc Lecturer; Outrch & Adult Access-Cr Outr; PhD, Northern Illinois University
Animashaun, Abayomi M; Assoc Lecturer; Humanistic Studies
Arendt, Lucy; Professor; Business Administration; Ph.D., UW-Milwaukee*
Ashmann, Scott A; Associate Professor; Education; Ph.D., Michigan State*
Austin, Andrew W; Associate Professor; Democracy And Justice Studies; Ph.D., Tennessee

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Bansal, Gaurav; Associate Professor; Business Administration; Ph.D., UW-Milwaukee*
Bartell, Denise; Associate Professor; Human Development; Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
Battaglia, Carl A; Senior Lecturer; Writing Center; Ph.D., UW-Madison
Baulieu, Forrest B; Associate Professor; Info & Computing Science; Ph.D., Massachusetts-Amherst+
Beaumier, Erica J; Assoc Lecturer; Natural & Applied Sciences
Benzow, Jeffrey A; Associate Professor; Art And Design; M.F.A., UW-Milwaukee
Beyer, Catherine N; Assoc Lecturer; Humanistic Studies
Bina, Mary D; Senior Lecturer; Info & Computing Science; BFA, UW Milwaukee
Bina, Michael R; Assoc Lecturer; Outrch & Adult Access-Adultdeg; BA, UW Madison
Birr, Jane A; Assoc Lecturer; Physical Education; MS, UW Green Bay
Blaney, Dallas S; Assistant Professor; Public & Environ Affairs; Ph.D., Colorado State*
Bogenschuetz, Amy M; Adjunct Instructor; Outrch & Adult Access-Cr Outr; MS , Cardinal Stritch University
Boswell, Caroline S; Associate Professor; Humanistic Studies; Ph.D., Brown
Breznay, Peter T; Associate Professor; Info & Computing Science; Ph.D., Denver
Brooks, Forrest W; Lecturer; Outrch & Adult Access-Adultdeg; M.S., UW-Milwaukee
Burden, Deborah A; Senior Lecturer; Writing Center; M.S., UW-Stevens Point
Burns, Kathleen C; Associate Professor; Human Development; PhD, Amherst College

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Caglar, Atife; Associate Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences; Ph.D., Pittsburgh*
Caldie, Thomas J; Assoc Lecturer; Business Administration; MS , UW Green Bay
Canilho, Amelia M; Adjunct Instructor; Outrch & Adult Access-Cr Outr
Carlson-Gardner, Denise A; Lecturer; Theatre And Dance; B.F.A., UW-Stevens Point
Carr, Bryan James; Assistant Professor; Info & Computing Science; Ph.D., Oklahoma
Chandna, Vallari; Instructor; Business Administration
Ankur, Chattopadhyay; Instructor; Info & Computing Science
Chen, Franklin M; Associate Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences; Ph.D., Princeton*
Christens, Gary A; Assoc Lecturer; Business Administration; MBA, US Oshkosh
Clampitt, Phillip G; Professor; Info & Computing Science; Ph.D., Kansas
Clermont, Ann Catherine; Assoc Lecturer; Education; MA, Nova University
Coates Jr, James R; Associate Professor; Education; Ph.D., Maryland College Park*
Collins, Kevin J; Associate Professor; Music; M.M., Texas-Austin
Collins, Nancy G; Assoc Lecturer; Music
Coman, Ioana; Assistant Professor; Info & Computing Science; PhD, Univ of Tennessee at Knoxville
Corn Jr, Ronald J; Assoc Lecturer; Outrch & Adult Access-Cr Outr
Cortes De Fulton, Maria Aurora; Assistant Professor; Education; Doctorate, CIDHEM
Coulter, Kristine; Assistant Professor; Democracy And Justice Studies
Coury, David N; Professor; Humanistic Studies; Ph.D., Cincinnati
Craver, Susan S; Assoc Lecturer; Business Administration; BA, Michigan State University
Cruz, Marcelo P; Associate Professor; Urban & Regional Studies; Ph.D., UC-Los Angeles
Cruz-Uribe, Benjamin W; Assoc Lecturer; Natural & Applied Sciences; MA, UW Green Bay
Cupit, Illene N; Professor; Human Development; Ph.D., Temple
Currier, Ryan M; Assistant Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins*
Cutlan, Stephanie L; Assoc Lecturer; Human Development

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Dalke, Karen K; Lecturer; Democracy And Justice Studies; Ph.D., UW-Milwaukee
Damkoehler, Toni L; Associate Professor; Art And Design; M.F.A., UW-Madison
Danen, Jaime L; Assoc Lecturer; Education
Dapra, Tara; Assoc Lecturer; Outrch & Adult Access-Adultdeg; MA, University of Minnesota at Twin Cities
Davis, Gregory J; Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences; Ph.D., Northwestern*
De Villers, Mary Jo; Lecturer; Nursing; Ph.D., Loyola University Chicago*
Deetz, Kristy J; Professor; Art And Design; M.F.A., Ohio State
Dellise, Pamela A; Assoc Lecturer; Education
Delsart, Terry L; Assoc Lecturer; Physical Education
Demovsky, Jessica L; Lecturer; Humanistic Studies; M.A., Marquette University
Denis, Bonnie M; Assoc Lecturer; Outrch & Adult Access-Adultdeg
Denslow, Kristin N; Assoc Lecturer; Writing Center
Denslow, Kristin N; Lecturer; English Composition
DePouw, Christin A; Assistant Professor; Education; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Desch, Larry A; Assoc Lecturer; Ed Spprt Srvcs
Detweiler, Sarah A; Associate Professor; Art And Design; M.F.A., Florida
Deuman, Annette Marie; Assoc Lecturer; Education
Devaney, Joseph S; Assoc Lecturer; Public & Environ Affairs
Doering, James A; Associate Professor; Business Administration; L.L.M., New York University School of Law
Dolan, Trevor J; Assoc Lecturer; Ed Spprt Srvcs
Dornbush, Mathew E; Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences; Ph.D., Iowa State*
Draney, Michael L; Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences; Ph.D., Georgia*
Drewiske, Donald F; Assoc Lecturer; Human Biology

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Eckhardt, Karen; Lecturer; Education
Ellner, Sharon; Adjunct Instructor; Outrch & Adult Access-Cr Outr
Emmons, Carol A; Professor; Art And Design; M.F.A., UW-Milwaukee
Entwistle, Jeffrey P; Professor; Theatre And Dance; M.F.A., Michigan State
Esche-Eiff, Karen M; Assoc Lecturer; Outrch & Adult Access-Adultdeg
Esposito, Daniel J; Assoc Lecturer; Outrch & Adult Access-Adultdeg
Estevez Mews, Jorge M; Assistant Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences *

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Fang, Shurong; Assistant Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences
Faulkner, Karen M; Assoc Lecturer; Human Development
Fencl, Heidi S; Associate Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences; Ph.D., Ohio State*
Fermanich, Kevin J; Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences; Ph.D., UW-Madison*
Fernandez, Laleah H; Assistant Professor; Info & Computing Science; M.A., Michigan State University
Fernandez-Meardi, Hernan; Associate Professor; Humanistic Studies; Ph.D., Universite de Montreal (Canada)
Fletcher, Adrianne M; Lecturer; Social Work
Flood, Amy L; Adjunct Instructor; Outrch & Adult Access-Cr Outr
Forsythe, Patrick S; Assistant Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences; Ph.D., Michigan State*
Froelich, Shauna M; Assoc Lecturer; Info & Computing Science
Frost, Susan M; Assoc Lecturer; Humanistic Studies

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Gaines, Adam W; Associate Professor; Music; D.A., Ball State
Gallagher-Lepak, Susan M; Professor; Nursing; Ph.D., UW-Madison*
Ganyard, Clifton G; Associate Professor; Humanistic Studies; Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo
Garcia, Adolfo J; Associate Professor; Info & Computing Science; Ph.D., University of New Mexico
Gates, Alison A; Associate Professor; Art And Design; M.F.A., Washington
Geimer, Matthew S; Assoc Lecturer; Business Administration
Geimer, Robert H; Assoc Lecturer; Business Administration
Geisler, Benjamin Jay; Lecturer; Info & Computing Science; M.S., UW-Madison
Gichobi, Mary; Assistant Professor; Education
Gordon, Dianne L; Senior Lecturer; Writing Center; M.A., UW-Milwaukee
Gossen, Barbara A; Lecturer; Art And Design
Groessl, Joan M; Assistant Professor; Social Work; Ph.D., Marian*
Grosso, Cheryl A; Professor; Music; D.M.A., Iowa
Grubisha, Lisa; Assistant Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences
Gruen, Andrea M; Assoc Lecturer; Human Biology
Gurtu, Amulya; Assistant Professor; Austin E Cofrin School of Business
Gurung, Regan; Professor; Human Development; Ph.D., Washington-Seattle
Guy, Mary E; Lecturer; Natural & Applied Sciences; M.S., UW-Oshkosh

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Hall, Stefan T; Associate Professor; Humanistic Studies; Ph.D., Saint Louis University
Ham, Jennifer; Professor; Humanistic Studies; Ph.D., Rutgers
Hanchek, Ellen K; Assoc Lecturer; Music
Hanke, Craig J; Associate Professor; Human Biology; Ph.D., Medical College of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Hanna, Sarah E T; Assoc Lecturer; Human Biology
Hansen, Eric C; Associate Professor; Music; M.M., Kentucky
Harden, Thomas K; Professor; Education
Harney, Pamela A; Adjunct Instructor; Outrch & Adult Access-Cr Outr
Heath, Richard L; Assoc Lecturer; Public & Environ Affairs
Hein-Frank, Julie M; Adjunct Instructor; Outrch & Adult Access-Cr Outr
Helpap, David J; Assistant Professor; Public & Environ Affairs; Ph.D., UW-Milwaukee*
Hencheck, Michael; Associate Professor; Human Biology; Ph.D., Ohio State
Henze, Catherine A; Professor; Humanistic Studies; Ph.D., Chicago
Herdman, T. Heather; Associate Professor; Nursing
Higgins, Doreen K; Associate Professor; Social Work; Ph.D., University of Kansas*
Himmelheber, Sarah Ann; Assistant Professor; Social Work; Ph.D., Georgia*
Hoeft, Lowell; Assoc Lecturer; Humanistic Studies
Holstead, Jenell L; Assistant Professor; Human Development; Ph.D., Indiana
Holstead, Michael S; Assoc Lecturer; Humanistic Studies
Holzem, Ryan; Assistant Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences
Hovarter, Rebecca D; Lecturer; Nursing; M.S., University of Minnesota School of Nursing
Howe, Robert W; Professor; Center For Biodiversity; Ph.D., UW-Madison
Hu, Tian-You; Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences; Ph.D., Pittsburgh
Huh, Yunsun; Assistant Professor; Democracy And Justice Studies; Ph.D., Utah
Hunt, Todd; Adjunct Instructor; Outrch & Adult Access-Cr Outr
Hussin, Brent J; Assoc Lecturer; Business Administration +
Hutchison, Earl R; Professor; Urban & Regional Studies; Ph.D., Chicago

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Iglesias, Isabel; Lecturer; Humanistic Studies; M.A., Purdue
Ingraham, R Michael; Associate Professor; Theatre And Dance; M.F.A., Mankato State
Intemann, Jeremy J; Assistant Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences
Ishqaidef, Ghadir; Assistant Professor; Business Administration; Ph.D., The University of Kansas School of Business

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Jahnke, Jacqulyn L; Assoc Lecturer; Art And Design
Jansen, John E; Assoc Lecturer; Physical Education
Jeffreys, Derek S; Professor; Humanistic Studies; Ph.D., Chicago
Jeon, Woo; Associate Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences; Ph.D., UW-Madison
Jick, Karen A; Senior Lecturer; Social Work; M.S.W., UW-Madison*
Jochimsen, Kate N; Assoc Lecturer; Human Biology
Johnson, Kevin B; Assoc Lecturer; Humanistic Studies
Johnson, Warren V; Associate Professor; Human Biology; Ph.D., Iowa
Josephs, Timothy E; Assoc Lecturer; Theatre And Dance

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Kain, Kevin M; Lecturer; Humanistic Studies; Ph.D., Western Michigan
Kangayappan, Kumar; Professor; Urban & Regional Studies; Ph.D., UW-Madison
Katers, John F; Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences; Ph.D., Marquette*
Kaufman, Timothy U; Associate Professor; Education; Ph.D., Loyola University of Chicago*
Kaye, Harvey J; Professor; Democracy And Justice Studies; Ph.D., Louisiana State
Kellogg, Peter J; Assoc Lecturer; Humanistic Studies +
Kiehn, Mark T; Associate Professor; Education; Ph.D., Colorado-Boulder*
Kim, Hye-Kyung; Associate Professor; Humanistic Studies; Ph.D., Marquette
Kimball, Steven E; Associate Professor; Education; Ed.D., Cardinal Stritch*
Kleba, Patricia A; Assoc Lecturer; Nursing
Knauf, Kenneth L; Lecturer; Business Administration; M.M.S., Arkansas
Knight, Michael B; Associate Professor; Business Administration; Ph.D., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale*
Kong, Ka Youa; Assoc Lecturer; Urban & Regional Studies
Kostac, Dennis J; Assoc Lecturer; Education
Kotenberg, Benjamin T; Assoc Lecturer; Credit Pgm-Hlth & Informatics
Kotowski, Patrick D; Assoc Lecturer; Business Administration
Kraft, Michael E; Assoc Lecturer; Credit Pgm-Hlth & Informatics + *
Krumpos, Donald; Assoc Lecturer; Art And Design
Kubsch, Sylvia M; Associate Professor; Nursing; PH.D., UW-Milwaukee*
Kulju, Lori A; Assoc Lecturer; Nursing

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Lacey, Arthur P; Senior Lecturer; Education; B.S., UW-Green Bay
Lambrecht, Jennie A; Assoc Lecturer; Education
Lanter, Jennifer A; Associate Professor; Human Development; Ph.D., Indiana
Larson, Karla J; Senior Lecturer; Writing Center; M.A., Iowa State
Leary, John P; Assistant Professor; First Nations Studies; Ph.D., UW-Madison
Lee, Min Kyu; Associate Professor; Art And Design; M.F.A., Rochester Institute of Technology
Lepley, William H; Associate Professor; Business Administration; Ph.D., UW-Madison*
Levintova, Ekaterina M; Associate Professor; Public & Environ Affairs; Ph.D., Western Michigan
Loebl, James F; Associate Professor; Business Administration; J.D., UW-Madison
Lor, Pao; Associate Professor; Education; PH.D., UW-Madison*
Lorenz, Dennis N; Associate Professor; Human Development; Ph.D., Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Lotter-Vanpay, Kathleen A; Assoc Lecturer; Education
Lowery, Bridgett O; Assoc Lecturer; Humanistic Studies
Lowery, James Vincent; Associate Professor; Humanistic Studies; Ph.D., University of Mississippi
Luczaj, John A; Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins*
Lyon, John M; Associate Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences; Ph.D., Rutgers*

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Mace, Abigail R; Lecturer; Music; D.M.A., University of Texas at Austin
Mahfuz, Mohammad; Assistant Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences
Malloy, Kaoime E; Associate Professor; Theatre And Dance; M.F.A., Iowa
Malysheva, Tetyana; Assistant Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences
Mariano, John E; Associate Professor; Theatre And Dance; M.F.A., Ohio
Marker, James C; Associate Professor; Human Biology; Ph.D., Brigham Young*
Martin, Christopher P; Associate Professor; Humanistic Studies; Ph.D., Purdue
Martin, Ryan C; Associate Professor; Human Development; Ph.D., Southern Mississippi
Mather, John R; Adjunct Instructor; Outrch & Adult Access-Cr Outr
McCartney, Donald H; Senior Lecturer; Business Administration; M.B.A., UW-Oshkosh*
McGregor, Larry L; Lecturer; Business Administration; M.S., Silver Lake College
McIntire, Michael J; Associate Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences; Ph.D., California-Riverside
McQuade Dewhirst, Michelle; Associate Professor; Music; Ph.D., University of Chicago
Meacham, Rebecca A; Associate Professor; Humanistic Studies; Ph.D., Cincinnati
Meder, Randall A; Associate Professor; Music; D.M.A., Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Meinhardt, Daniel J; Associate Professor; Human Biology; Ph.D., Kansas*
Meredith, Sarah A; Professor; Music; D.M.A., Iowa
Merkel, Brian J; Associate Professor; Human Biology; Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth
Meyer, Eva Nicole; Professor; Humanistic Studies; PH.D., Pennsylvania
Meyer, James M; Senior Lecturer; Natural & Applied Sciences; Ph.D., North Carolina
Meyer, Steven J; Associate Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences; Ph.D., Nebraska-Lincoln*
Michell, Kristine M; Assoc Lecturer; Education
Mokren, Jennifer J; Associate Professor; Art And Design; M.F.A., Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Morgan, Eric J; Assistant Professor; Democracy And Justice Studies; Ph.D., University of Colorado at Boulder
Mueller, Paul R; Assistant Professor; Human Biology
Muraco, Joel; Assistant Professor; Human Development
Muzatko, Steven R; Associate Professor; Business Administration; Ph.D., UW-Madison

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Nagy, Robert A; Associate Professor; Business Administration; D.B.A., Mississippi State*
Nelson, Amanda J; Associate Professor; Human Biology; PH.D., Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Nelson, Leif A; Assoc Lecturer; Outrch & Adult Access-Adultdeg
Nesslein, Thomas S; Associate Professor; Urban & Regional Studies; Ph.D., Washington-Seattle
Nesvet, Rebecca L; Assistant Professor; Humanistic Studies
Niedzwiedz, William R; Assoc Lecturer; Public & Environ Affairs +
Nixon, Timothy F; Assoc Lecturer; Public & Environ Affairs

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O'Brien, Hannah R; Lecturer; Info & Computing Science; M.A., University of Limerick, Ireland
Olson Hunt, Megan J; Assistant Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences
Ortiz, Cristina M; Professor; Humanistic Studies; Ph.D., Cincinnati

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Parrillo, Adam J; Assistant Professor; Urban & Regional Studies; Ph.D., University of Cincinnati*
Paulsen, Kent D; Assoc Lecturer; Theatre And Dance
Pearson, Debra A; Associate Professor; Human Biology; PH.D., UC-Davis
Phoenix, Laurel E; Associate Professor; Public & Environ Affairs; Ph.D., College of Environmental Science and Forestry/SUNY*
Pott, Uwe; Associate Professor; Human Biology; Ph.D., University of Zurich (Switzerland)
Poupart, Lisa M; Associate Professor; Humanistic Studies; Ph.D., Arizona State

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Quam, Mark A; Lecturer; Social Work

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Radosevich, David J; Associate Professor; Business Administration; Ph.D., University of Albany, SUNY*
Radosevich, Deirdre M; Associate Professor; Human Development; Ph.D., St. John's
Ranganathan, Sampathkumar; Associate Professor; Business Administration; Ph.D., University of Memphis*
Rector, Michael; Assistant Professor; Music
Reilly, Janet E; Associate Professor; Nursing; D.N.P., Case Western Reserve University*
Reilly, Kimberley A; Assistant Professor; Democracy And Justice Studies; Ph.D., Chicago
Riddle, Laura E; Professor; Theatre And Dance; M.F.A., De Paul/Goodman School of Drama
Rinfret, Sara Rose; Assoc Lecturer; Outrch & Adult Access-Adultdeg
Roberts, Susan R; Assoc Lecturer; Info & Computing Science
Ronsman, Jennifer Lynn; Lecturer; Writing Center; M.F.A., Minnesota State University
Rosewall, Ellen W; Professor; Art And Design; M.F.A., Minnesota
Rowell, Laura M; Lecturer; Human Biology
Rozek, Norbert J; Assoc Lecturer; Info & Computing Science
Russ, Meir; Professor; Business Administration; Ph.D., Ohio State*
Russell, Rachel; Assistant Professor; Public & Environ Affairs; M.A., Arizona State University
Rybak, Charles A; Associate Professor; Humanistic Studies; Ph.D., Un of Cincinnati

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Sah, Nilesh; Assistant Professor; Austin E Cofrin School of Business
Salerno, Christine A; Assoc Lecturer; Music
Salerno, John G; Associate Professor; Music; D.A., Northern Colorado
Sallmann, Jolanda M; Associate Professor; Social Work; M.A., UW-Milwaukee*
Saxton-Ruiz, Gabriel T; Associate Professor; Humanistic Studies; Ph.D., University of Tennessee
Scheberle, Denise L; Assoc Lecturer; Outrch & Adult Access-Cr Outr +
Schlotthauer, Brandon J; Assoc Lecturer; Human Biology
Schmidt, Benjaman R; Assoc Lecturer; Outrch & Adult Access-Adultdeg
Schmitz, Sara A; Lecturer; Human Biology; M.S., Alabama
Schwarzenbach, Jeanellyn; Senior Lecturer; Info & Computing Science; M.A., UW-Madison+
Selk, Ann E; Senior Lecturer; Business Administration; M.B.A., UW-MIlwaukee
Senzaki Coughlin, Sawa; Assistant Professor; Human Development; Ph.D., University of Alberta
Shelton, Jon K; Assistant Professor; Democracy And Justice Studies; Ph.D., Maryland
Sherman, Courtney J; Associate Professor; Music; D.M.A., Arizona State
Sherman, Heidi M; Associate Professor; Humanistic Studies; Ph.D., University of Minnesota
Shin, Soo Il; Assistant Professor; Austin E Cofrin School of Business
Shockley, Eric C; Assoc Lecturer; Humanistic Studies
Smith, Christine A; Associate Professor; Human Development; Ph.d., Pittsburgh
Smith, Jennifer A; Assoc Lecturer; Human Development
Smith, Peter W; Associate Professor; Business Administration; Ph.D., Purdue
Sorbo, Addie M; Senior Lecturer; Art And Design; B.A., UW-Green Bay
Staudinger, Alison K; Assistant Professor; Democracy And Justice Studies; M.A., Maryland
Stehlik, Alison L; Associate Professor; Art And Design; M.F.A., Pennsylvania State
Steiner-Pascascio, Linda; Assoc Lecturer; Human Development
Sternard, Marsha J; Assoc Lecturer; Nursing
Stoll, John R; Professor; Public & Environ Affairs; Ph.D., Kentucky*
Style, Christine L; Professor; Art And Design; M.F.A., UW-Milwaukee
Sutton, Brian W; Associate Professor; Writing Center; Ph.D., Ohio State

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Tabers-Kwak, Linda L; Associate Professor; Education; Ph.D., Loyola University of Chicago*
Teclezion, Mussie M; Associate Professor; Business Administration; D.B.A., Southern Illinois at Carbondale
Terry, Patricia A; Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences; Ph.D., Colorado*
Toebe, Tyler G; Assoc Lecturer; Info & Computing Science
Toonen, Linda M; Senior Lecturer; Writing Center; M.A., UW-Whitewater
Trimberger, Gail E; Associate Professor; Social Work; MSW, UW-Madison*
Tyczkowski, Brenda L; Assistant Professor; Nursing; D.N.P., University of Kansas*

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Urcavich, Sherri L; Senior Lecturer; Ed Spprt Srvcs

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Van Egeren, Carol L; Senior Lecturer; Writing Center
Vanden Avond, Laura R; Assoc Lecturer; Outrch & Adult Access-Adultdeg
Vandenhouten, Christine L; Associate Professor; Nursing; Ph.D., Marquette*
Vandenplas, Bruce D; Assoc Lecturer; Human Biology
Vescio, Bryan D; Professor; Humanistic Studies; Ph.D., Virginia
Vespia, Kristin M; Associate Professor; Human Development; Ph.D., Iowa
Villanueva, Nydia D; Senior Lecturer; Natural & Applied Sciences; Ph.D., Connecticut
Voelker, David J; Associate Professor; Humanistic Studies; Ph.D., North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Vondras, Dean D; Professor; Human Development; Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis
Vondras, Mary E; Assoc Lecturer; Humanistic Studies
Vopal, Cynthia L; Assoc Lecturer; Business Administration

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Wagner, Tricia J; Assoc Lecturer; Education
Wallace, Julia; Professor; Human Development
Warner, Lora H; Associate Professor; Public & Environ Affairs; Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth
Watson Iii, Samuel E; Assoc Lecturer; Art And Design
Weaver, Daniel W; Assoc Lecturer; Music
Weibel, Karla J; Adjunct Instructor; Outrch & Adult Access-Cr Outr
Weinschenk, Aaron C; Assistant Professor; Public & Environ Affairs; Ph.D., UW-Milwaukee
Welsch, Brian; Assistant Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences
Wheat, Elizabeth E; Assistant Professor; Public & Environ Affairs; Ph.D., Western Michigan*
Wijerathna, Sanath R; Assoc Lecturer; Human Biology
Wildenberg, Jeremy J; Assoc Lecturer; Humanistic Studies
Wilson-Doenges, Georjeanna J; Associate Professor; Human Development; Ph.D., UC-Irvine
Winters, Johanna R; Assoc Lecturer; Art And Design
Wolf, Amy T; Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences; Ph.D., California-Davis*
Wondergem, Julie M; Associate Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences; Ph.D., Marquette
Woolpy, Tara L; Assoc Lecturer; Outrch & Adult Access-Adultdeg

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Yan, David; Assistant Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences
Yang, Sheng; Assoc Lecturer; Humanistic Studies

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Zhu, Le; Associate Professor; Human Biology; Ph.D., Cornell
Zimmel, Joeleen M; Assoc Lecturer; Physical Education
Zorn, Michael E; Professor; Natural & Applied Sciences; Ph.D., UW-Madison*