The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay is known for excellence in teaching, its focus on real-world problem solving, and a friendly, welcoming atmosphere. The University’s approach to education is characterized by the term 360° of Learning.
‘360° of Learning’
The solutions to challenging problems require a multi-dimensional understanding of the world — a 360° perspective. The phrase 360° of Learning at UW-Green Bay describes a comprehensive educational experience that offers students multiple perspectives and viewpoints, through a purposeful, interdisciplinary curriculum, and connects students to exceptional faculty and internationally recognized scholars. The 360° philosophy prevails campuswide and provides a well-rounded educational experience, from student life activities to co-curricular programming, student organizations, community involvement and more.
A Major Advantage
While students elsewhere may devote themselves to a single, narrow field, there is an expectation that every student at UW-Green Bay will enjoy learning experiences that challenge him or her to integrate ideas from different fields.
The UW-Green Bay approach is notable for its extensive array of “interdisciplinary” majors. “Interdisciplinary” is a term used by educators to describe programs that are grouped not by narrow departments or a single discipline (field of study) but by practical areas of interest.
These majors apply knowledge from several disciplines to a broad topic. An Environmental Science student, for example, will apply biology, chemistry, mathematics, botany and other disciplines to the larger study of environmental issues. Other examples include the majors in Human Development, Business Administration, and Democracy and Justice Studies.
Students can pursue more intensive coursework in a particular topic of interest (their “area of emphasis” within the major), but this specialization is balanced by the fact every student completes either an interdisciplinary major, or a disciplinary major coupled with an interdisciplinary minor.
The value of this approach is evident when one considers that today’s students prepare for a first job but also for 21st century careers that do not yet exist, and for societal challenges not yet known. Identity theft, viral epidemics and global sustainability are examples of issues not easily addressed by relying solely on yesterday’s answers.
Valuable Skills
UW-Green Bay targets development of characteristics that many civic and business leaders say are associated with effective individuals.
These characteristics include: the capacity to analyze and delineate a clear overview of a problem; strong written and verbal communication skills; flexibility for on-the-job learning; ability to work in small, task-oriented teams; technological competence and information literacy; and the ability to work with individuals from diverse cultures.
Connections Outside the Classroom
Students, faculty and staff connect learning to life, every day, through research, internships, paid employment and volunteer involvement in the community.
Long known as a manufacturing, papermaking and food-processing center and the home of the Packers, Green Bay has experienced growth in the healthcare, insurance and tourism sectors of its economy. While the metropolitan population is about 250,000, the city serves as the trade, transportation and cultural heart of an increasingly diverse region of nearly one million residents extending across much of northern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Green Bay is home to excellent museums, parks, theaters and sports-related facilities. It is the gateway to favorite vacation destination in the scenic Door Peninsula and Wisconsin’s northern forests.
Affirmative Action Policy
In compliance with applicable federal and state regulations, the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay is committed to nondiscrimination, equal opportunity, and affirmative action in its educational programs and employment practices. Inquiries concerning the Affirmative Action Policy may be directed to:
Human Resources Office
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
2420 Nicolet Dr.
Green Bay, WI 54311-7001
(920) 465-2390
UW-Green Bay is committed to providing accommodations for eligible individuals with documented disabilities as defined by federal and state law. In accordance with Board of Regents Policy (UWS 22.01), sincerely held religious beliefs shall be reasonably accommodated with respect to all examinations and other academic requirements. Questions about these policies should be directed to:
Dean of Students
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
2420 Nicolet Drive
Green Bay, WI 54311-7001
(920) 465-2152
The provisions of this catalog DO NOT constitute a contract between the student and the University.