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PSYCH 790. Special Topics and Projects. 3 Credits.

This course offers students the opportunity to learn about selected topics of current interest in sport, exercise, or performance psychology. This course will also facilitate students' completion of their SEPP culminating experience project. Course is repeatable for credit; may be taken 2 times for a total of 6 earned credits.
REC: PSYCH 605, PSYCH 621, PSYCH 627, PSYCH 721, PSYCH 730, or PSYCH 738

M.S. in Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology

Applied  Track: Prepares students to work in applied sport, exercise, and/or performance psychology careers, providing the foundation courses and practicum opportunities to progress toward becoming Certified Mental Performance Consultant® (CMPC). Course-Based  Track: Equips students with knowledge and skills in mental performance that can be applied to careers with performance-oriented individuals. Provides opportunity for foundation courses aligned with the Certified Mental Performance Consultant® (CMPC) and individualized coursework in areas like coaching, leadership, and group facilitation.

Master of Science in Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology

The master's program in Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology at UW Green Bay is designed to fulfill the needs of students who would like to have a master's degree as their final degree as well as those who would like to pursue a doctoral degree in the future. Here are the main features of the program: